The Chaingun Update (v0.4.0)

A new major update for the Gun Runners demo is now available to play!

The v0.4.0 update introduces a new weapon, the Chaingun, as well as a number of smaller polish changes focused on improving the feel of the game's gunplay.


  • Added the Chaingun weapon, which can be purchased from the weapon menu for 100000 currency.
  • Enemies now enter a hurt/hitstun state upon taking damage, playing a hurt animation and being knocked back a certain distance based on the weapon used.
  • Spread rework - spread now determines the angle between the player's shots when firing a weapon with more than one projectile instead of the random inaccuracy of a weapon, resulting in a more uniform firing pattern.
  • Inaccuracy is now its own stat separate from spread - most weapons have been made more inaccurate.
  • Reintroduced weapon kick (recoil) animations as a fix was found for the bug caused by the old system.
  • Game now pauses on game over or shortly after winning a run.
  • Player now moves at half speed while firing a weapon.


  • Setup y-sorting for objects in the game scene - enemies will now appear correctly behind each other based on their position instead of overlapping each other.
  • Added a unique sprite for the Shotgun.


  • Added impact sounds to player projectiles.


(Some of the UI theming changes this patch are just being experimented with and may therefore be reverted in the next patch)

  • Added a pause menu that the player can use to quit back to the weapon menu. Can be accessed by pressing Esc.
  • Added a new reticle/cursor.
  • Replaced the health bar with a tile based health meter.
  • Changed theming for certain panels to have a yellow border and translucent background.

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